On average, the cost to recruit and hire an employee is two times their salary! At this price, it is expensive to hire a new employee who does not "fit" in your organization. We can help you in the process of recruiting, hiring and retaining the best employees for your organization, and help you save money.



Hiring the "Right" People

Today and for the foreseeable future, the growth in the number of jobs is outstripping the number of qualified applicants available to take these jobs. This means that aggressive recruitment strategies are necessary to attract applicants who want to work for your company. One strategy is to create your company as an Employer of Choice.

Maintaining Employee Morale through a Shared Ownership Approach

Retaining good employees has always been a concern for HR staff and employers. They know there is a high cost to turnover – not just in actual dollars for recruitment, advertising and relocation, but in the hidden costs related to lowered morale and lost productivity. Companies wonder how to engage employees to give their discretionary effort – that effort that consistently goes the extra mile to assure success. Companies expect commitment and loyalty from employees, but many fail to provide that in return. Providing purposeful work; a sense of fairness in all interactions, transactions and in compensation; and engaging the employee’s passion help to maintain employee morale at a high level. With a corporate culture built on shared commitment, purposeful work and fairness, employees are less prone to leave for a few dollars more.

  Coaching and Mentoring New HR Practitioners
  Many companies have elevated someone from within the organization into the role of Human Resources Administrator. Frequently, this person has no formal training in the HR function. To be most effective and confident in this new role, the HR staff must be trained in the latest thinking about employment laws and their impact on recruitment strategies, employee development and performance management, promotion and pay practices and how these areas are intricately entwined. Other areas for mentoring include coaching HR staff in how to help supervisory staff to handle employee relations issues including how to make work assignments and hold staff accountable for their actions and how to give constructive, descriptive feedback to staff, peers and bosses. Other areas include the basics of how to set up an HR office beginning with what personnel files to keep and for how long; where to find the necessary employment posters and how to get them for free.